Employer Found Responsible for Electrical Worker’s Death

Employer Deemed Responsible for Electrical Worker’s Death Queensland, Australia electrical worker, Danny George Cheney, was electrocuted on December 5, 2009. His coworker, Macquin Parungao, sustained four electrical shocks while attempting to save him. The coroner had found that Cheney’s employer was to blame for his death, as he was not equipped with the proper tools […]
Gold Mine Worker Suffered Severe Burns From Arc Flash Incident

Gold Mine Worker Suffered Severe Burns from Arc Flash Incident A potential arc flash incident caused an electrical worker from the Central Norseman Gold Corporation to sustain severe burns to his hands and face while working in the Central Norseman gold mine. The incident occurred the morning of February 9, 2018 and is currently under […]
OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: 38 Year Old Worker Dies After Being Electrocuted While Servicing Crane

OSHA Accident Report: 38 year old worker dies after being electrocuted while servicing crane Accident: 103143.015 – Employee Is Electrocuted While Servicing Crane At 10:56 a.m. on February 15, 2018, an employee was servicing an overhead crane when he was electrocuted. The employee was transported to a nearby hospital, where he was determine dead on […]
Construction Worker Shocked, Suffered Electrical Burns

Construction worker seriously shocked in Venice On January 9th, 2018, a 56-year-old construction worker was found lying on the ground at Village on the Isle, Venice, FL, critically injured. When the accident occurred, the man had been working on equipment that was inside the electrical room. The unfortunate happening threw him across the room. When […]
Hopefully Companies Will Implement Safer Work Practices to Avoid These Types of Tragedies

Companies Fined for Big Bend Accident after Multiple Lives Lost and Serious Injury In June of 2017, a total of five employees of Tampa Electric Co., Gaffin Industrial Services Inc. and Brace Integrated Services Inc. lost their lives due to serious injuries they incurred while on-the-job, and another suffered severe burns. After the U.S. Department […]
OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: 23 Year Old Worker Dies From Electrical Shock

OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: 23 Year Old worker Dies from Electrical Shock Accident: 101947.015 – Employee Dies From Electrical Shock At 10:52 a.m. on November 30, 2017, Employee #1 was working on an energized female electrical plug at the “load out” line near door 1N of Building A, which conveys potatoes from the storage bin into […]
OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: Worker Burned After Receiving Electric Shock While Replacing Light Ballast

OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: Worker is burned after receiving electric shock while replacing light ballast Accident: 99730.015 – Employee Receives Electric Shock While Replacing Light Ballast At 12:00 p.m. on October 9, 2017, am employee was working from a ladder to replace the ballast of a light fixture. During work, the employee received an electric shock […]
OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: 25 Year Old Worker Killed by Electrical Shock

25 year old Worker Killed by Electrical Shock Accident: 99460.015 – Employee Is Killed By Electrical Shock At 11:00 a.m. on September 27, 2017, Employee#1 and his coworkers were in the process of installing electrical wiring to a new dry storage unit. As they proceeded, the employees received an electrical shock. They tried to troubleshoot […]
Contractor Severely Burned

Contractor Severely Burned A contractor was severely burned following contact with a single spark while performing simple maintenance on an electrical panel in an administrative building. Another contractor working alongside the man had to extinguish the flames using a nearby fire extinguisher. While his attire at the time of the incident is unknown, one may […]
Arc Flash Victim Avoids Injury Thanks to PPE

This worker was able to escape an arc flash without injury because he was wearing his PPE and it very well could have saved his life. SHERMAN, Texas (KXII) — An arc flash at the Panda Power station Tuesday in south Sherman sent one employee to the hospital. An employee was de-energizing on a breaker, […]