South Florida line worker electrocuted, killed by live wires, authorities say
Investigators responded to a loud explosion that was heard at an industrial site in Miami-Dade SWEETWATER, Fla. — A 30-year-old man is dead after he was electrocuted while working on power lines Friday morning in South Florida, officials say. Investigators responded to a loud explosion that was heard in the Miami-Dade area and found Jorge […]
OSHA Electrical Training Requirements 1910.332 – Training [Subpart S, Electrical]
OSHA Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices – Training shall be of the classroom or on-the-job type Please note, this is directly from OSHA. For your convenience, we have highlighted the specific sections in orange to easily show the type of training required and who’s required to be trained for electrical/arc flash safety. • Part Number: 1910 […]
What is Lockout Tagout (LOTO)?
Establishing an electrically safe work condition is NFPA 70E terminology for executing a lockout/tagout (LOTO) of electrical sources. An electrically safe work condition shall be achieved when performed in accordance with the following procedures and verified by the six step process. Electrical Lockout/Tagout Procedures The employer shall develop and document lockout/tagout policies and procedures for […]
Workers injured in “Electrical Incident” at University Medical Center
FRESNO, Calif. (FOX26) — The County of Fresno says four workers were injured Thursday morning at the University Medical Center campus while trying to get power restored to several buildings. Security reported that several buildings lost power around 5:30 a.m. The employees from Internal Services Facilities were attempting to diagnose the issue when there was […]
Arc Flash Injury Prompts New Safety Measures for MBTA Workers
MBTA employee injured in ‘arc flash’ incident, prompting new safety measures Workers have been instructed to place protective covers on top of electrified third rails or turn the power to the rail off during nearby maintenance MBTA workers have been instructed to place protective covers on top of electrified third rails or turn the power […]
What is Arc Flash?

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) describes an Arc Flash as “a dangerous condition associated with the release of energy caused by an electric arc.” An Arc Flash is a phase-to-phase or phase to ground electrical fault, and the energy produced melts components, flooding the air with conductive particles. The temperature of an Arc Flash […]
Arc Flash Training/NFPA 70E Classes | Jacman Group – Electrical Safety Specialists
Arc Flash Training / NFPA 70E Electrical Safety Classes with The Jacman Group – Electrical Safety Specialists We help you establish compliance with OSHA and NFPA 70E requirements for Arc Flash Safety /NFPA 70E Electrical Safety in the Workplace. View our explainer video below to learn more about our services:
What is NFPA 70E?
NFPA 70E is the bridge between OSHA Regulations and Electrical Safety Compliance The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E is a comprehensive standard that establishes best electrical safety practices standards on how to protect industrial workers from electric arc flash and arc blast exposure and resulting potential injury and death. OSHA has referenced this electrical […]
Oregon Bill calls to Increase OSHA Penalties for Safety Violations
Legislation recently introduced in Oregon would significantly increase civil penalties for safety violations that contribute to worker injuries and deaths. Sponsored by Sen. Kathleen Taylor (D-Portland), S.B. 592 calls for fines of $50,000 to $250,000 if a willful or repeated violation caused or contributed to a worker death. For a serious violation involving a death, […]
Worker hospitalized after electrical incident at Stanford University in December 2022
Electrical Mishap at High-Tech Stanford Lab Disfigures Worker, Launches Federal Probe A high-tech physics lab at Stanford University has been partially closed since federal officials began probing an accident there in late December that left one worker disfigured and hospitalized. The electrical explosion on December 27th happened at the SLAC National Accelerator Lab, which is […]