MSHA Accident Report: July 9, 2020 Fatality

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Hudson Sand Mine, Peach, Georgia – July 2020 The morning of July 9th, 2020, a mine superintendent with 36 years of mining experience lost his life when he contacted energized high-voltage components in a 4,160 volt (4,160 VAC), three-phase electrical enclosure. The accident occurred because the mine operator’s policies, procedures, and training were inadequate to […]

COVID-19 June Update: We Have Options in Place for You During This Time

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As the COVID-19 concerns are still very real, we’re providing the Arc Flash/NFPA 70E training virtually for everyone’s safety. Students can complete the same live instructor-led, interactive courses in a safer environment. Live Virtual classes now scheduling throughout this summer and fall Whether it’s just a few or groups of 100 or more, we can […]

OSHA Fines TPC Group $514,692 for Willful Violations Linked to Explosion

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OSHA fines TPC Group $514,692 for willful violations linked to explosion TPC Group faces $514,692 in fines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and is accused of three willful violations — the most severe and rare category used by the agency — after OSHA concluded its investigation into the Nov. 27 plant explosion in […]

COVID-19 Update

Arc Flash Training for Essential Workers We understand so many are affected by this and concerned about COVID-19 and the unknown that it poses, and how long this could go on. We are here and will continue to keep you compliant and ensure employee safety throughout this time, and try to maintain some sense of […]

OSHA ACCIDENT REPORT: Worker Electrocuted

Accident: 125063.015 – Employee Is Killed When Boom-Lift Basket Touches Powerline Accident Investigation Summary: At approximately 12:00 a.m. on March 26, 2020, an employee was electrocuted and killed after the employee raised JLG boom-lift basket that he was occupying, came in contact with an energized, primary electrical distribution power line. The employee did not maintain […]

Arc Flash PPE and COVID-19

The article explains how sharing PPE can be at higher risk of being exposed to the Coronavirus, and goes on to discuss how long the virus survives on PPE and how it can be cleaned properly. See the link below to the full article. How the electrical industry must work together to reduce the spread […]

CDC Recommendations to Help Employers Deal With Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The CDC has put together the Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to help Plan, Prepare and Respond to the Coronavirus in the workplace The interim guidance may help prevent workplace exposures to acute respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, in non-healthcare settings. The guidance also provides planning considerations if there are more widespread, community outbreaks of […]

Preventing and Minimizing Arc Flash Risk

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Following OSHA regulations and using good design can reduce the risk of damage to workers and equipment from arc flashes. Arc flashes present a serious hazard involving electrical equipment that is more common than many would believe. Due to OSHA’s reporting requirements for arc flashes, they are under-reported or not reported at all. No one […]

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